Monday, December 2, 2019

#8 Assignment

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I think I am definitely a procrastinator,because I procrationate all the times.As long as there is something appeals me more than  the things that I have to do,I would be more willing to do what attracts me,and it usually is watching drama,reading a novel or playing games.But at the same time,when there has something that I should done but not be done yet,that will makes me felt very anxious and nervous.The panic monster is always by my side.So unless I completely forgot that there is something I should done,I will finished everything before the deadline.But not everything has a deadline,the things that don't have deadline is like a chronic disease,and I seriously ill.How do I deal this big problem?I set a deadline for the things seems don't have the due date.Before the deadline coming may takes very long time,and they also will take a lot of time to finish it,I may spend a whole college career or ever the rest of my life.What makes me stop procrastinating is I understand  when I finished the things that I should do,I'm one step closer to my dream.


  1. So you set a deadline for the things that seems to have no deadline. This is a very good strategy, Anne, showing that you're a student with good discipline. Also, it's no good to have the "panic monster" by our side, better to get ride of it as soon as possbile.


#9 Assignment View on Vocaroo >> True happiness is not about becoming famous or getting rich. What really makes us happy is r...